The Covid19 pandemic came with a lot of challenges leaving our children out of school for almost 7 months now. But there is great news for our finalist (Primary 7, senior 4 and 6 candidates) who the government have instructed to resume classes by the 15th of October 2020 with observation of the Ministry of Health Standard operating procedures in the fight against COVID19.
Yesterday at our center, we met with some of our children who are candidates for a fare-well where we encouraged them to be hardworking in this shortest learning period of time as they prepare for their final exams, shared a special meal and also gave them the school basic needs and other necessary materials including; face masks in our struggle to combat Covid19 pandemic.
We want to thank all our friends and partners at New Life Church of Jesus Christ, USA for all the continued support towards the success of our mission in Uganda most especially during these trying moments of Covid19 pandemic. May the Almighty God bless you.